“Whatever the arguments for and against ‘gay marriage,’ there are never going to be many takers for it. But the justifications for same-sex marriage are already being used to advance the cause of polygamy, and there are far more takers for that. It’s already practiced de facto if not de jure in France, Ontario, and …
Down in the Cultural Bilge
“People have little in common except their prurient interests and morbid fears and anxieties. Necessarily aiming its fare at this lowest-common-denominator target, television gets worse and worse year after year” (George Gilder, Life After Television, p. 15).
Jerry Falwell, R.I.P.
Jerry Falwell went to be with the Lord yesterday, and I wanted to take a moment to pay my respects. Anyone who has read very much of what I have written knows that he belonged to a very different theological stream than do I. Nevertheless, he believed the Bible, and held to the central tenets …
The Way of All Flesh
I caught a portion of the Republican debate last night, and was fascinated by the response to Ron Paul — a Republican actually worth considering. He actually believes in small government. But when Paul said that terrorism is a concern because of our agressive foreign policy, it is not surprising that sparks flew. In an …
Fully Accredited
How do we know when someone is competent? How do we know whether they know what they are doing? Why, we ask to see their papers. Whenever we are not content with the word of God on a given subject, we do not have the option of remaining neutral, of doing nothing. The only alternative …
But They Are Adapting
“Muslims have assimilated brilliantly, at least when it comes to mastering the principal discourse of the advanced democratic state—the legalisms, victimology, and entitlement culture” (Mark Steyn, America Alone, p. 82).
Not A Great Man for Bones
“I myself am convinced that the theory of evolution, especially to the extent to which it’s been applied, will be one of the great jokes in the history books in the future. Posterity will marvel that so very flimsy and dubious an hypothesis could be accepted with the incredible credulity that it has. I think …
The Politics of Dancing
The Lord Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of God the Father. That should affect things down here. As He exercises His authority, we discover in the Word that this authority is all encompassing. To use Kuyper’s phrase, not one square inch exists concerning which the Lord Jesus does not say, “Mine.” So …
Stuck in the Seventies
“There is no evidence that any Muslim woman anywhere ever wore the jilbab before the disco era, when it was taken up by the Muslim Brotherhood and others in the Arab world. It is no more ancient and traditional than platform shoes, bell bottoms, and cheesecloth shirts” (Mark Steyn, America Alone, p. 74).
Crowns Roll in the Dust
“The world’s way of responding to intimations of decay is to engage equally in idiot hopes and idiot despair . . . In Christian terms, such hopes and fears are equally beside the point. As Christians we know that here we have no continuing city, that crowns roll in the dust and every earthly kingdom …