Cognitive Confrontation

“When rival worldviews are in play, it is not adaptation that is called for but confrontation: confrontation not of a behavioral kind which is lacking in love but of a cognitive kind which holds forth ‘the truth in love’ (Eph. 4:15)” [David Wells, Above All Earthly Pow’rs (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2005), p. 156].

Somebody Always Wants to Do It

“During most of the twentieth century, threats to campus free speech and academic freedom came mostly from the right, and from outside institutions of higher learning. The new attacks on free thought that arose in the late 1980s turned this pattern on its head: they have arisen from leftist sources inside the ivory tower” (Donald …

Scratch and Sniff Multiculturalism

“What multiculturalism in the curriculum assuredly does not mean is a renewed emphasis upon the mastery of foreign languages or the close study of complex civilizations . . . the campaign to impose ‘multiculturalism’ amounts to nothing less than a war on Western civilization and, beyond it, a war on the very idea of civilization” …

A Pig in a Poke

God has established three fundamental governments among men — family, church, and state. These are the governments which He directly ordained; other governments (like the board of a trust or a corporation) are man-made. This means that men have no authority to tinker with the fundamental structures of these God-given governments — in contrast to …

The Wilson Cult in Moscow

Let me come clean on something. One of the recent charges made against us is that we here in Moscow are “cultic,” “a cult,” etc. To this charge we have offered our robust denials; we are Trinitarian Chrisians in the Reformed tradition, and we like the Bible. But in denying that we are “a Wilson …

High Capitalism

“It is quite striking, then, to note the parallels between postmodern habits of mind and the realities which have come to mark our highly formed capitalism: volatility, obsolescence, the rapid passing of fashions and ideas, the disappearance of stability, constant innovation, constant revision, repackaging, the new look, the newer than new product, the future always …