Another Point of View Certainly

“The Crusades were a belated military response of Christian Europe to over three centuries of Muslim aggression against Christian lands, the systemic mistreatment of the indigenous Christian population of those lands, and harassment of Christian pilgrims.” (Serge Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet, p. 97).

The Genesis of the Cape and Beret Problem

“For an incandescent wit like Wilde, it was possible to express that contempt with grace and skill. But the majority of decadents were not that brilliant, and the best they could do was define art in negative terms, as the absence—or better still, the inversion—of other values, especially moral ones. To establish one’s creative bona …

Inner Jihad

“Only after the Islamic Empire had been established the notion of an ‘inner’ jihad—that of one’s personal fight against his ego and sinful desires—also came into being, but it was predicated on the assumption that the external, real jihad was nearing its completion” (Serge Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet, p. 89).

The Argument from Gratitude

Students of apologetics are familiar with some of the traditional arguments for the existence of God – the teleological argument from design, the cosmological argument from first cause, and so on. I would like to suggest another one. I do not really know what to call it, but the argument is directed against one of …