“This has managed to obscure two absolutely fundamental problems for the Church. The first is that the dominant contemporary political force within Islam is an ideology that seeks to destroy Christianity and its values. The second is that, because the Church has failed to resolve its deeply ambiguous and conflict-laden attitude towards the Jews, it …
Sin and Grace as Culturally Potent
“The Augustinian theology and philosophy of history with their intense realization of the burden of inherited evil under which the human race laboured and their conception of divine grace as a continually renewed source of supernatural energy which transforms human nature and changes the course of history—all this had become part of the spiritual patrimony …
Honest Subscription
Hermeneutics, the art and science of interpretation, sounds like a horribly dusty affair. And of course, some have handled the subject along these lines. This is not how it should be; when the question of how a text is to be interpreted arises, we should feel a leaden weight in the gut, and adreneline in …
Falling for Anything
“And as post-moral Britain demanded that ever more constraints be knocked away, the Church was forced further and further into hollowing out its own identity. As it renounced its own culture, it embraced others, while never ceasing to grovel for its onetime sin of believing in itself” (Melanie Phillips, Londonistan, p. 140).
This Explains a Lot of Things, Actually
“Le Corbusier was the sort of relentlessly rational intellectual that only France loves wholeheartedly, the logician who flies higher and higher in ever-decreasing concentric circles until, with one last, utterly inevitable induction, he disappears up his own fundamental aperture and emerges in the fourth dimension as a needle-thin umber bird” (Tom Wolfe, From Bauhaus to …
More Than One Use for Pretty Much Anything
Well, it turns out that Ron Paul has more shekels in the bank than John McCain, one of the front runners. And so just what is a front runner anyway? Might it be anyone who is deemed to be such by the media? Is this a great country or what? HT: Tom Brainerd And as …
Those Chapters
I have to say honestly that the book of Romans has caused me a great deal of trouble over the years. At the same time, I also have to say that it is trouble for which I am profoundly grateful. Although these were difficulties which I did not request, a retrospective look is cause for …
Ordinary as Brown Dirt
Just a quick Fourth of July note. Hope you set off lots of fireworks, and eat lots of hamburgers. But here’s also hoping that you do it with a clear head. This civil holiday celebrates resistance to tyranny. And of course, some of the most ardent participants at such events are those who want to …
The Central Gift
In the ongoing discussion among Christians over the validity of the “sign gifts,” those (like myself) who believe these gifts have now ceased are sometimes tempted to dismiss the question with a platitude and a wave of the hand. “We should seek the Giver and not the gifts” provides a representative sample. But this is …
Away from the Judgment — and Back to the Sin
We too often have a simplistic understanding of sin and judgment. This understanding is true as far as it goes, and is consistent with the teaching of Scripture that a man reaps what he sows. This is obviously true, but Scripture also encourages us to think past this point. It is also true that a …