Legislating Sunshine

It is starting to look as though he might be doing it all on purpose. Many years ago, William Simon commented that right wingers are prone to conspiracy theories precisely for this reason — it seems apparent to them that the destructive nature of the proposed policies A, B, and C are evident to all, …

Health Care Freak Show

Now that the PelosiCare Fiasco has passed the House (in the middle of night, sight unseen, nothing to see here, folks, just keep moving), all eyes turn to the Senate. As Americans who know how to count continue to watch our solons of subtraction with fascinated horror, let me just throw up a small post …

Great is Diana of Grand Rapids!

The board of Calvin College has instructed the faculty there that they are required to refrain from promoting sodomy. The first thing to note is that I was astonished that somebody associated with Calvin actually took a stand on something like this. But there you go. Let’s pray the board holds out. The second thing …

And Medals Struck

A quick election take, if I may. First, the best news of the evening was that the voters of Maine rejected homosexual marriage. This brings the total to 31 states that have done so, albeit with varying degrees of enthusiasm. Whenever homosexual marriage is put up for a popular vote, down it goes, no exceptions …

The Spiritual Drive Train

This might be the medieval equivalent of an urban legend, I don’t know. I read it somewhere, but can’t recall the source, but here goes anyhow. Somebody, Thomas Aquinas maybe, was being shown around some opulent palace by the pope. “You see, Thomas, no longer can Peter say ‘silver and gold have I none.'” To …