Random Political Musing

Mike Huckabee makes me nervous. He gives me the willies — to wit, the fantods. Other than all the potential fun games we might have with his name — Huckaboom, Huckabust, and after the first great scandal of his administration, Huckagate — the whole thing gives me cold duck bumps all over. The first round …

Entirely the Stuff of Legend

The Archbishop of Canterbury has informed us, just in time for Christmas, that the story of the three wise men was nothing more than a “legend.” HT: Frank Turk. Yes, I can see how the concept of “wise men” would seem to a churchman in Bishop Rowan’s environment to be entirely the stuff of legend. …

I Age Mine in the Basement, Like a Fine Wine

“It takes judgment to know when prejudice should be maintained and when abandoned. Prejudices are like friendships: they should be kept in good repair. Friends sometimes grow apart, and so sometimes should men from their prejudices; but friends often grows deeper with age and experience, and so should some prejudices. They are what give men …

Genesis of Domestic Violence

“It proved far easier in the event to remove sexual restraint than to overcome each individual’s desire for the exclusive sexual possession of another; and it takes little effort of the imagination, even if we would rather not make it, to understand the result.” (Theodore Dalrymple, In Praise of Prejudice, p. 108).

A Special Form of Naivete

“One convention has been replaced by another. When I attended a bourgeois bohemian funeral in Paris recently, it was I who stood out in my dark suit and tie—so provincial, so conventional! Everyone else looked as if he or she had just popped into the cemetery after a bit of shopping in the local grocery …