Many conservative Christians know that the culture war we are fighting is a desperate battle for our children. Now fighting for your children and grandchildren is a noble enterprise. It is what we are called to do. When such fighting is necessary, as in a fallen world it constantly is, it is something we are …
On the Rounded Upper Part
Alan Jacobs asks a question here that he does not answer. That question concerns whether he is a conservative or not. “So is there any sense in which I might plausibly be called a conservative? I don’t really know; I’ll leave that to others to decide.” With such a kind invitation, how could I turn …
Book of the Month: June 2013
This was a very good book on one level, and a very important book to me on another. First, Meaning at the Movies was a good book because it managed something that a lot of Christian books about movies do not manage. If there is a ditch on both sides of the road, as there …
The Crucifixion of Coercion
“Pessimism is not in being tired of evil but in being tired of good. Despair does not lie in being weary of suffering, but in being weary of joy. It is when for some reason or other the good things in a society no longer work that the society begins to decline; when its food …
Book of the Month/May 2013
This was truly a refreshing book. Every liberal pastor needs to get and read it as part of the process of becoming evangelical. Moreover, and this is the crucial thing, every evangelical pastor needs to get and read it as part of the process of becoming evangelical. We have gotten to the point where we …
Book of the Month/April 2013
Sorry about the price, but I am picking this book as my book of the month anyhow. Get your mom to buy it for you. Ask your librarian to stock it. Save up for it. Update on the price: The University of Missouri Press is having a sale through April, which means you can get …
One Point of Difference
“Johnny’s eyes were round, like a couple of trash can lids, only a different color” (Evangellyfish, p. 100).
Improving the Blood Flow
“But somehow her giving him a back rub always turned into him giving her a front rub, and then they would fall again. That was actually how their relationship started, which is to say, through those darn back rubs. It was her senior year in high school, and she was in Johnny’s youth group, which …
Book of the Month/March 2013
Gosh, what a book. I really cannot recommend this book highly enough. This will be a relatively short review — what I want to do is give a brief summary of the set-up, mention three things about it that were simply wonderful, and then conclude with a plea for you to get it and …
Book of the Month/March 2013
Gosh, what a book. I really cannot recommend this book highly enough. This will be a relatively short review — what I want to do is give a brief summary of the set-up, mention three things about it that were simply wonderful, and then conclude with a plea for you to get it and read …