“The great Pauline principle is one for the ages — mind thine own beeswax” (For a Glory and a Covering, p. 140).
More Is Involved Than That
“Samuel would not have been more greatly blessed if he had seven sons who took bribes instead of two . . . God did not call us to be mere breeders of covenant-breakers” (For a Glory and a Covering, p. 140).
Zero Sum Compassion
Lord willing, this will be the second of four posts. In the last of them I want to restate and expand an apology that I offered to Thabiti in the course of our exchanges. Because I would like that apology to do as much good and make as much sense as it possibly can, I …
A Fruitful Start
On the Friday morning before the recent Desiring God National Conference, I had the privilege of meeting together with a number of men to discuss various issues surrounding the central topic of racial reconciliation. The most immediate reason for the meeting was my recent online interaction with Thabiti Anyabwile, coupled with the fact that I …
Book of the Month/October 2013
Reading is an odd thing. If it is a delight, as it clearly should be, then reading a book that is about reading should be like . . . eating ice cream that is about ice cream. Except that it is not like that. The failure of that metaphor is probably one of those imponderables, …
Ten Theses on Postmodernism
This post originally ran May 10, 2010. 1. Truth is objective, ultimate, absolute, personal, alive, and triune. 2. Because of this ultimate reality, it is possible for creatures who were fashioned by this living God to know Him as the personal and ultimate truth, as well as to know lesser truths in the created world …
Delenda Est
I recently received a thoughtful question from a reader that I decided should be best addressed in a separate post. The question was generated by my exchange with Thabiti some months back, and there is no real point in trying to resurrect an old comment thread. So here we are. The question goes like this. …
Is Someone Trying to Tell Me Something?
I want to tell you about something that has happened to me twice, in the span of just a few days. Then I will try to draw out an edifying lesson from it. Last Sunday, I was reading one of Peter Leithart’s books — Ascent of Love — to accompany my reading of the Divine …
True Alignment
“The basic Christian duty is to be pro-God and align everything else in accordance with this. When we absolutize things like ‘life,’ ‘marriage,’ or ‘family,’ we routinely get into trouble. When John the Baptist confronted Herod, he was not being pro-marriage, but rather anti-marriage (Mt. 14:4)” (For a Glory and a Covering, p. 139).
Grace Agenda Trailer
Gospel Presence | Grace Agenda Conference 2013 from Canon Wired on Vimeo.