Pretty Sure It Is Not You

Flannery O’Conner wrote that everything that rises must converge, but this must also be said of everything that is circling the drain. The shared worldview of our chattering classes appears to me to be nothing more than a vast epistemic sinkhole. This is the kind of thing that could make Turretin exclaim, were he present …

A Coalition of Dust Bunnies

If you have a moment, you might want take a look at this video, starting at about the 45 minute mark. In the course of a panel discussion at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a point I had made about the American and Confederate flags came up. My guess is the point they were likely dealing …

Stonewall Trailer 3

One of the great things about the Planned Parenthood videos is that they have made abortion the issue it needs to be, and have made it an issue in this presidential campaign. The Stonewall movie is coming together in remarkable ways, just like this moment in pro-life activism. Here’s the trailer, as promised.

3 Marks of the God of the System

Every system has a god, which means that when you have identified certain markers, you have identified the god of the system. If the god of the system is not the true God, the God who made Heaven and earth, then the god of the system is an idol. In order to be an idol, …