Introduction: I am grateful that Jeffrey Ventrella took my response to him as friendly push back. He has now responded to me, and because these issues are really important, I would really like ...
Discerning in Name Only
“If there is one thing you can count on a discernment blog to do, it is to show very little discernment. Discernment blogs are often little more than ‘bottom-of-the-monkey-cage’ blogs, which can usually be found at”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 778
That Kind of Old-Fashioned
Out-maneuvered in the Backyard
“This situation reveals how much the conservatives have been out-maneuvered as they have been playing Machen-and-the-liberals in their mama’s backyard with little wooden sticks.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 778
Grace Trumps All
“This means that it has to delight my soul that God loves those on the other side of our particular theological divides more than I have ever loved anything or anybody. It needs to delight me that we will all spend eternity together, as it does. As so I pray God’s blessing on the resurrection celebrations of all God’s children, and I pray for a double blessing on the celebrations of my adversaries. This resurrection life is a powerful thing, and gets into everything . . . even our disputes.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 777
Recovering the Masculine Mind
From the Credenda Archives (1995)Volume 7/Number 5 The problem can be called by many names. The men of our generation have had a failure of nerve. They have abdicated their responsibilities, and we are consequently in the midst of a crisis of leadership. Men have fallen, to use the biblical term, into the sin of …
And Yes, Wichita is on the Arkansas
“If the Reformed tradition were the Mississippi River, these river boat pilots have managed to get their vessel grounded just south of Wichita. As I put it in a recent comment elsewhere, I really don’t understand why the C students think they get to grade everybody else’s papers.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 776
Letters On the Road
Letter to the Editor: I enjoyed your recent post on child communion. I am curious if you know of any resources that point to the early church’s practice of this, or historical ...
One Use of the Law
“One use of the law cannot be made the over-arching essence of that law—because that would make it impossible to employ the other uses.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 774
Bad Moon Rising
From the Credenda Archives (1996)Volume 8/Number 1 The unthinkable does not always remain that way. Thirty years ago, if one were to talk about the possible crackup of the United States, the result would have been a good deal of laughter. But the world is a very different place today, and such a suggestion now …