Letter to the Editor: Hey Doug this'll be a quick one but what are your views on men fighting other men for sports entertainment, such as boxing and MMA ( mixed martial arts)? Is it ...
Center and Edge
“I am fine with the Reformed world having edges and am fine with people living there. But it should follow from this that I am also fine with the Reformed world having a center. And on this issue of regeneration that center is summarized very nicely by our confessions—and if the historic Reformed view of regeneration is Kansas, then I live in Topeka. I don’t live on an island off the state of Maine, but if I did, I would still be an American. But as an American, there on my island, I wouldn’t be saying things like, ‘That’s the way it is, here in the heartland . . .”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 833
On Making the Sword Righteous
In a Nutshell: It has to be affirmed at the outset that we cannot impose Christianity at the point of a sword. Our weapons are not carnal (2 Cor. 10:4-5). But our weapons are in fact mighty, and after ...
With Traces of Oak and Shoe Leather
Three Books
“God comes to us in three books—nature, law, and gospel. Read plainly, we read ‘God above us, God against us, and God with us’ . . . this thought is actually a reworking of something I read from Matthew Henry, and shows how, once again, I am sitting on the edge of the fountain in the central square of Reformedville, just swinging my legs.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, pp. 829-830
The Outside Christian
“Outside he is a whited sepulcher . . . full of bones and every unclean thing. He is baptized, and his membership papers are all in order. He is the chairman of the pastoral search committee, ...
On Shooting Your Way Out
Introduction: So the adage goes this way. You can vote your way into socialism, but you are going to have to shoot your way out. As I agree with this entirely, it follows that I need to set for myself two tasks to be accomplished before I look at the last paragraph of this post, …
Letters at the Tale End of July
Letter to the Editor: I suspect you would agree that one of the key ingredients of a successful church is building tight-knit communities. The method most churches today use in the Evangelical ...
A Horse Doctor Dose
“Internal heart conversion is the sine qua non of historic evangelicalism, and this historic evangelicalism is clearly represented in and by our confessions. This is what I mean by classic evangelicalism, and, speaking frankly, a horse doctor dose of it is the need of the hour.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 828
Olympic Blasphemy Because, Why Not?
The blasphemous fiasco of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics blew up while I was traveling, and so I begin by recognizing that I am late to the party. I would apologize for that if it were in any ...