Jew-Hate as Disobedience

Paul “did all of this because he was heading off a primitive seed form of antisemitism—believing Gentiles vaunting themselves over against unbelieving Jews. But his command is explicit: ‘Boast not against the branches’ (v. 18). ‘Be not high-minded but fear’ (v. 20). Antisemitism is therefore nothing less than disobedience to an express apostolic command.”

American Milk and Honey, p. 142

The Rebellious Elect

“So how do you explain the Jews then? They were the elect nation (Is. 45:4), and they were expending more than a little energy trying to kill the apostle Paul, as they had in fact killed the Elect One of God (Isa. 42:1), their own Messiah. It sure seems like something had separated them from the love God.”

American Milk and Honey, p. 135

The Root Does the Supporting

“The Jews had stumbled because of a covenantal and ethnic presumption, and Paul cautions the Gentile Romans against committing the very same sin. What happened to the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem could certainly happen to the See of Rome. And why? Rome did not support the root, but rather the root Rome, and faith alone kept the sap flowing.”

American Milk and Honey, p. 135