Too Many Hypocrites in the Halls of Reason

This is why I could never become an atheist or part of the skeptic community. Too many factions, divisions, snarls, petty fights, and so on. Worshipping the goddess Reason, they descend into frenzies of irrationality at the slightest provocation. I am tempted to say of them what Chesterton once observed about the enlightened ones at …

A Little Something Called Context

Howm’I supposed to defend the faith against these swamis of reason when they keep making me wheeze like they do? Sam Harris, aspiring scientist and indignation impresario, is promoting this project, in order to advance the sweet voice of reason. You can look at a really cool graphic they have put together here. The base …

Personal Not Private

Just a brief comment about Peter Hitchens’ next chapter, which addresses the bloody war on the church conducted by secularist revolutionaries. The end result was this: “The link between the people and their Christian inheritance — in custom, seasons, traditions, music, and belief — had been effectively broken, and Christianity had been reduced to a …

Superstitious Atheism

In his next chapter, Peter Hitchens compares the respective gullibilities of the believing Christian and the “scientific” atheist. Atheists believe this to be one of their strong points, which Peter appears to recognize. “How the materialists like to jeer at the naive faith of the peasant, fooled by relics, faith healers, and the general hocus-pocus …