Because You Never Want the Truth to Turn Around and Apologize for You

“The rule is never to apologize for the truth. Never. When Scripture requires us to seek forgiveness or put something right, what we are putting right is our complicity in some lie or other. Lies must always be repudiated, and while it is certainly humbling, it is never strategically stupid. We are servants of the …

7 Follow-On Thoughts to Crimson Carnage

Occasionally something I write slips the leash and I have to spend a couple hours looking for it. That was the case here and so I thought it necessary to add a few follow-on thoughts. 1. Bryan Loritts said this on Twitter about my article: “@douglaswils blog is like using a eulogy to preach on …

Our Secularist Funhouse and the Impotence of the Gospel

Our secularist age has had it. Yesterday at the ACCS convention Al Mohler reminded us of Elton Trueblood’s spot-on metaphor, when he said that our civilization was a cut flower civilization. And he said this back when the flowers were still nice looking — we have now come to the point in the metaphor that …