Bringing a Feather Duster to a Gun Fight

So here is the situation. Richard Swinburne was invited to give a talk at the Society of Christian Philosophers. His topic, on which he had previously published, was to defend the biblical and traditional view of human sexuality. Because his talk offended some, the SCP apologized for any harm done by the talk. And here …

How BLM Is Becoming “Black Lynch Mobs”

Two recent shootings of black men, one in Tulsa and one in Charlotte, have set off another round of racial turmoil, not to mention another round of Orwellian news and news analysis. So let us begin with some basic definitions. Protesters are those who assemble peaceably to register their views on something, or their insistence …

On Its Own Level

[About Wodehouse] “In this age of instant gratification, fast food, fast-lane commuting, and tele-right-nowing, it is wonderful to find great literature that is capable of doing exactly the same thing. Some great lit just competes with other great lit. But it takes extraordinary lit to compete with drivel—and on its own level, too” (Writers to …

The Ponies Are Free

Thomas Sowell has done wonderful work in describing the fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives. He describes it as the difference between an unconstrained vision of man and a constrained vision. The French revolution was a model of the unconstrained vision, and the American revolution was a model of the constrained vision. In the former, …