“Retreat to Commitment” Writ Large

I begin by noting something by Samuel Johnson in The Vanity of Human Wishes, a little something for us to keep in reserve. How small of all that human hearts endure, That part which laws or kings can cause or cure. In this next chapter, Rod Dreher says many good and pertinent things, but these …

Waiting for the Rat to Die

The situation described in the following letters continues to be entirely fictitious, including persons, names, crimes, sins, relationships, circumstances and all particulars. The kind of situation that is described, however, is all too common and my hope is that biblical principles applied to this fictitious scenario may be of some help to individuals tangled up …

Book of the Month/April 2017

So my selection for this month is Deeper Magic by Donald T. Williams. The subtitle brings everything into focus—The Theology Behind the Writings of C.S. Lewis. The book is a fantastic resource for those who are interested in the theological underpinnings of Lewis’s writings. What Williams does is take the standard loci of systematic theology, …

A Richly Deserved Thwapping

Allow me to make a few random observations in pursuit of a larger truth. First, Charles Murry recently wrote a book—By the People—a book that had a marvelous phrase in the subtitle, which was “liberty without permission.” Secondly, and this might seem like a lurch, Nancy and I used to have a very good health …