Logically Prior

“Do you recall that when I raised the point of the primacy of regeneration, leading logically to repentance and faith, not chronologically in stopwatch fashion, that I was responding to you guys making a big deal out of the traditional ordo? And that I said, fine, if you insist, this means that some form of infusion is logically prior to imputation?”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 700

Tension in the Ordo

“In the ordo, the first item of business is regeneration, which is a transformation in us. It is a form of infused righteousness, a type of sanctification. If my heart is not changed, then I cannot believe the right way, and if I cannot believe the right way, then I cannot be justified. The order we affirm is ‘change of heart in me,’ ‘repentance and faith,’ ‘righteousness imputed to me,’ and then ‘ongoing changes in me.’ If [he] objects to this, then he can rewrite the Reformed ordo. But when he does that, he ought not to call that rewrite ‘walking in the old paths.’”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 697

Only LIving Things Act

“Life and obedience are essential characteristics of the instrumentality of faith, in just the same way that life is an essential characteristic of a seeing eye. But I do not see blue as a reward or payment for having a living eye. This does not make life irrelevant to the seeing however.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 694