“It is hard to see straight and see red at the same time.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 9
The main category for book reviews and cultural interaction.
“It is hard to see straight and see red at the same time.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 9
Letter to the Editor: Excuse me? Did you just equate the faithful supplanter bride Esther with those who were given a certificate of divorce? In case I’m reading the story wrong didn’t ...
“Our modern political tangles are a veritable festival of envy, everywhere you look. Trying to find envy in our political disputes—and especially when it involves the Jews—is like trying to find some beads at the New Orleans Mardi Gras parade.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 9
Dear comrades and brothers in arms, I am writing to you three weeks after the funeral of Haman, and two weeks after the horrific putsch, orchestrated by that pestilent fellow (((Mordecai))). Insolent Jew. Pretends to be loyal to the God of his fathers, but then swanks around in that adopted name of Mordecai—dedicated to Marduk, …
“Envy sharpens its teeth every night.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 8
“Apart from Christ, the electric crackle of envy runs along all the wires. Everything is hooked up to this particular grid. The current flows from Gentile to Jew, Jew to Gentile, white to black, black to white, short to tall, fat to skinny, and so on—mimetic desire and carping envy are absolutely everywhere and in everything. People who dismiss this with a wave of the hand do not understand the Scriptures, and they are blind when it comes to identifying one of the mainsprings of all unregenerate human action. The prohibition of envy and covetousness (‘of anything that is your neighbor’s’) is in the Ten Commandments for a reason” ().
American Milk and Honey, p. 5
“I refer, naturally enough, to the posturing of things like ‘social justice.’ That is just a high-flying name that people give to their malevolent envy, and it is like trying to polish a turd.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 4
Introduction: The results of the election have brought about a palpable sense of relief among conservative Christians. None of us will have to announce to our families, two days after the Inauguration, ...
So, as is our custom, we wanted to share with you how NQN 2024 went from our perspective. We know that you guys had a lot of fun out there, but feel compelled to tell you that we also . . . had a blast. But we want to do more than just say “it …