It is a long and convoluted story, but it seems that the Nez Perce County prosecutor was asked to look into whether or not there was any nefarious funny business on Paul Kimmel’s part with regard to his role in Christ Church’s and New St. Andrews’ original tax-exempt status. This request was made of Nez …
Discussions with Dragons
Once there was a man who lived in a beautiful garden, and his wife lived there with him. The Lord of the garden had given it to him for his use on the condition that he guard and tend it. But in order to guard and tend it, there had to be a particular thing …
The Politics of Sodomy: The Real Sin of Sodom
INTRODUCTION What could possibly be meant, “The Real Sin of Sodom?” Isn’t is obvious? The sin of homosexual behavior draws its name from Sodom. What could be more obvious? And should we be suspicious of any attempt to draw our attention elsewhere? As always, the answer to such questions is, “It depends.” THE TEXT Behold, …
A Dog in That Fight?
In this place I have previously posted a note concerning my friend Pete Hurst, and his web site <>. I have worked with Pete for a number of years, and in just a few weeks I am heading out to speaking at the worldview conference his church sponsors in Virginia. Pete has, with my standing …
Common Law Wives and Concubines
Just finished reading an outstanding book by Stephen Perks, a British theologian and writer. The book is entitled Common Law Wives and Concubines, and is a collection of essays by Perks on a number of issues relating to covenantal Christianity and the current state of Western culture. It is really a worthwhile read. A couple …
Off to Spokane
I am off to Spokane to do a conference with Steve Schlissel there, so I will be away from my computer for a day or so. I am therefore posting a few things a little ahead. I’ll tell Steve you said hi.
Sermon Outlines
I finally got some sermon outlines posted, off to the left. Sorry about the delay. The current series is in the book of Galatians, which is just one message from being complete.
Upcoming Speaking Schedule
The Christ Church web site now has a place to go to find out where I am going to be speaking. If you are one of those who might want to know, you can check it out at And those of you who have listened to any of the songs I have posted here …
Absent Without Leave
As the war in Iraq grinds on, multiple lessons can be gleaned from it. And not all the lessons have anything to do with the tactical details of this particular war. One of the most striking things about this conflict is that when I see talking heads on the teevee talking about it, whether they …