Introduction What does it mean to be pro-marriage or pro-family, or pro-life? In common parlance, we know what such phrases refer to but even here we must be careful. The basic Christian duty is to be pro-God, and align everything else in accordance with this. When we absolutize things like “life,” “marriage,” or “family,” we …
Look At This
Some of you may be interested in the work and ministry of Steve Beck, found here. But the thing I wanted to encourage you to look at is a DVD he recently put together that walks you step by step, mouse click to mouse click, in the making and selling of recordings. You can find …
Idleness and Gossip
Everyone knows that one of the sins of the tongue is gossip, but we are sometimes vague about what actually constitutes the sin. Gossip is not a sin that consists of simply passing on information. Saying something like, “Did you hear that Susan is engaged now?” is not gossip. Gossip is the sin of passing …
He Just Likes to Dance
In one of the talks I give on marriage, I use an example of the sin I call “pleading the dictionary.” This is where a husband uses one or more of the flexible features of human language to get his dig in, and then, when challenged, he retreats to “plead the dictionary.” He says something …
Another Source of Strife
Another source of strife is an inability to see a disagreement from the other’s point of view. An ability to do this is not a concession that this other point of view is correct, but it does show the flexibility of heart that is necessary for avoidance of intractable strife. Paul tells us that we …
Can Faith Be Bronzed?
Every word which men speak or hear in worship must either renew that word or cheapen it. God has determined to sanctify us through His Word, and therefore, because of our sinful inclinations, we tend to invent various shifts and devices in a vain attempt to keep this sanctification from happening. Of course, overt denial …
If At First You Don’t Secede . . .
“But let me defend them to this extent. They do not want to maintain a distinct Southern heritage because they are afraid that some Yankee judge will outlaw grits. Please note where we actually are as a nation — just a few week away from the full faith and credit clause of the mangled Constitution, …
Sorry about the silence everybody. Yesterday I was pounded, and today somebody apparently cut the fiber optic line between Pullman and Moscow on accident. Back up now.
On the Prowl for the Lord’s Will
“How should a young man seek a wife? What should his criteria be? First, a few important pointers on what not to do. Do not hand out photocopies of this chapter at the college and career class at church, announcing in a loud voice that you are ready for the marital state and are earnestly …
Do Not Forsake the Work of Your Hands
Minister: Lift up your hearts! Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord! God and Father— We praise you with a whole heart Before the gods we sing our taunting songs. We turn toward Your holy temple throne, And praise Your name, a name filled up with mercy and with truth. And yet, You set …