Within Walking Distance

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Our Lord was fond of a fortiori, “how much more” arguments. Not a sparrow falls to the ground apart from the will of the Father. That being the case, He urged, His disciples ought not to fret over whether they were going to be cared for.

We can reason the same way here, at this Table. The Lord feeds all His creatures, the Scriptures say. “He giveth to the beast his food, and  to the young ravens which cry” (Ps. 147:9). That being true, we ought not to worry about whether He will feed us. He clothes the lily of the field, and so why would He not clothe us? We are worth more than ten million lilies.

But let’s take it a step beyond that. If God gives the beasts of the field their physical food, and if He gives us our daily bread, the why would He then neglect to offer us food for our souls, food to nourish the inner man?

The answer of course is that He does not neglect to offer us this food. He spreads the Table, and sends His Spirit out into the world to issue the invitation. Come, the Spirit says. But not only does the Spirit invite everyone to this rich meal, so does the Bride. The Spirit and the Bride both say, come.

We can say that the offer is frequently neglected by those who hear it. But we cannot say that the offer is neglected by the one who makes it, by the one who holds out His hands to a disobedient people.

The provision is here, and more than enough. The Lord has told us to preach the gospel to every creature, and to establish churches, centers of worship, in every part of the globe. When this is finally done, there will be a Table like this, within walking distance of every sinner in the world.

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