When the Veneer Peels

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A staple argument of homosex apologetics is that when the Bible condemns the vile behavior of the residents of Sodom, it was addressing the violent side of it — the attempted rape of Lot’s visitors. It does not address at all, so the argument goes, the kind of loving, caring, mutually affirming same sex relationships that we are are talking about today. You have to take context into account, you see, and there have been those who bought this argument. Simple Simon, after all, did go to the fair.

“But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them” (Gen. 19:4-5).

But let us pretend to accept this for a moment, for the sake of argument. Let us pretend that mutually affirming is the way to go, so long as you avoid that kind of violent hate sex that so unfortunately characterized the men who surrounded Lot’s house.

Comes now Bill Maher, who struts like a crow in a gutter, and is considered to be a leading humorist by the other crows. On a recent show, he had on comedian Marc Maron, who said that he thinks about “angrily f**king” Michele Bachman. He said this, not wanting “to be crass.” Oh, good. For a minute there, we were worried. And then, just to cover their stunted little tails, another guest said, to deflect accusations of sexism, that he would like to do the same to Rick Santorum. So fine then. You guys are willing to engage in hate sex, violent rape, against members of both sexes? And this makes it good, how exactly?

Now this just happened a day or so ago, and to date I have read of no denunciations of this kind of talk from the leftist establishment. It is the kind of thing that might result in such denunciations after some throat clearing and foot dragging, and a lot of pressure. Not everybody in Sodom was outside Lot’s house, but everybody in Sodom was willing to live in a contemptible place like that — including Lot incidentally.

And this is why the standard homosex treatment of Genesis 19 is such a joke. If hatred of God and man were a presswood board, then the “mutally affirming” sex line is the oak veneer. And when homosexual sex becomes fully accepted by a culture, as it has in ours, it is not ten minutes before the oak veneer starts to peel.

We are told that the problem with the residents of Sodom is that they were seething with hatred and were willing to engage in violent sexual acts. And we are told this by people who are seething with hatred . . .

The delusion that has gripped Maher and friends, as they grope for the door of Lot’s house, is the kind of thing that rules over every “we’re being really bad” peer pressure group that ever was. When people get to the point where they are willing to be really out of control, so long as everybody around them is yelling go, go, go, a peculiar kind of blindness sets in. It happens to college girls entering wet t-shirt contests on spring break. It happens to guards at Abu Ghraib. It happened to the piggy piggy suitors at the end of The Odyssey. It happens to talk show hosts who have no idea how transparent they are.



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