What the Cool Kids Are Watching

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We have really enjoyed working on the CanonWIRED video clips, and we have received some good feedback from you all about it.

For those of you who just recently got here (and that includes a number of you, I think), we thought it would be good to post a list of the top ten most viewed clips.

The first was me talking about John Piper’s invitation to Rick Warren for this year’s Desiring God conference.

Numero dos was on women working outside the home. Or, as a sweatshirt I once saw put it, “If a woman’s place is in the home, why am I always in the car?”

The third, indicating that we really ought to spend more time talking about Piper and Warren, was another piece on Piper and Warren.

The fourth most popular was my discussion of why the suits and haircuts approach to ministry gives me the screaming fantods, and why it is that I think we are not going native in this way.

Should Christians say the pledge of allegiance in church? If you don’t want to take the time to look at the clip, the answer is no.

Sixth, Nancy goes over some basic principles for unmarried women.

Number seven, I discuss the reasons for using the King Jimmy Version, and all I can say here is that if a man does not follow my reasoning in this, what goeth on, he wots not.

The eighth most popular clip was Nancy discussing what a woman should do when her marriage is a train wreck.

Ninth, I answer questions for an FV pastor, and the answers I give were not the answers that opponents of the FV thought I ought to be giving.

And last, Nate (or, as we call him around the house, N.D. Wilson) and I talk about the wordsmithing life.

We’re just looking out for you. If you watch these clips, you’ll be in with the cool kids.

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