Uber-Post of All Time

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As I have been playing around with this new website, fooling about with techie analyses and such, I am reminded of an experience I had once in the Navy. I was on the USS Tusk, a vintage diesel submarine, and we were headed over to the Med. We were making that transit on the surface and, since it was a nice day, the captain issued a swim call. He put a sailor with a high-powered rifle up on top of the sail (the housing for periscopes and antennae) in case any sharks showed up, and anybody who wanted to go swimming was invited to do so. I was among those who took the captain up on this most generous offer, and I have to confess that it was an odd sensation, paddling around in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean like that. The nearest land was straight down, and the second nearest was Africa maybe, or perhaps Nova Scotia — depending on whether I remember which way a Mercator projection stretches things.

Anyhow, that’s what me becoming web savvy is like — dog paddling in an ocean of info. I bring this up because my analysis of the behind-the-scenes stats concerning my various blog posts has convinced me that I now have the capacity to write the uber-post of all time. All I have to do is weave in Sarah Palin, N.T. Wright, food kookery, and R2K dualisms. All of which, as you may have just noticed, I have now done.

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