Turns Out Auburn Avenue is Not Part of the Road to Rome

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I’ve not been posting much because I have been neck deep in the doings of the 2010 Auburn Avenue Conference, which this year was on the necessity of the Reformation. It has been a wonderful conference, and I commend all of them to you.

The link is to the MP3s. If you rummage around on their web site, I am sure there is a way to get the conference talks on CD as well. Or, as it turns out, you could go here .

This is robust Protestantism, a faithful testimony for the truth. And it is not done in a way that hides or minimizes the faults found within the Protestant world. Both Geneva and Rome are populated by sinners and screw-ups, but the difference is that Geneva can admit it without having to shield a spurious doctrine of infallibility. These talks demonstrate a conviction of the truth without a partisan spirit.

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