Then Come to Christ

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We are continuing to reflect on what our doctrinal standards—the teachings of the Westminster Confession—say about the sacraments.

A striking thing about our standards is that they say that the Old Testament contained sacraments, and not only the New Testament. In the New, we have two sacraments, but the number of sacraments in the Old Testament is not specified. If we reason by analogy, we would say two—circumcision and the sacred meals of the sacrificial system. But it is not so tidy as that—we would also have to consider things like manna from heaven, and the Rock that followed Israel in the wilderness, for example.

But whatever the number of sacraments, we are taught that the substance of these things, which is always Christ, was signified and exhibited in the Old Testament, just as they are in the new covenant. Christ is signified here—the bread represents His body, and the wine His blood. But the confession goes further. He is signified, true, but He is also exhibited, and as the standards say elsewhere, conferred, on those who come to this Table in true faith. You are coming in faith, are you not? Then come to Christ.

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