The Sun is Up

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As we come to the Table together, I would like to speak a word to the children who have been gathered here with us.

You are named by the name of Jesus Christ. Just as you were born into a particular family, and no one asked you whether or not you wanted your last name, so you are being brought up in the Christian faith, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. This is not the result of anyone infringing on your rights, but rather the result of your parents’ obedience. This is just what God has told them to do.

Now you know that it is not enough simply to be member of the covenant—you must also be faithful to that covenant, and fruitful in it. One temptation you will encounter is that of trying to peer into the depths of your heart to find out if you are truly being faithful, if you are truly a member of the covenant. But looking into your own heart this way will only bring confusion.

Rather, you should always look in faith to Jesus Christ. When you do that, it strengthens your faith. When you look to yourself, all you will encounter are doubts and confusions.

You do not need to know what time the sun rose this morning to know that it is up. You do not need to know what time of your life the sun rose in your hearts to know that it is up. You are here in this Christian congregation. You love Jesus Christ. You look forward to singing praise to Him. You look forward to learning from His Word. You know that you need the blessing and strengthening that comes from partaking of this Table. What does all this mean?

It means the sun is up. So come, together with the rest of us, and enjoy the blessing of God in Christ. This is true faith.

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