The Idols of Pluralism

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“Properly understood, pluralism is simply another name for polytheism. When we say ‘pluralism,’ what does the plurality refer to? The answer is, to a plurality of authoritative voices, the Babel of competing divine voices, all saying what we ought to do. Because this situation creates a potential for civic trouble, the powers that be impose certain conditions on the devotees of all these religions. ‘You may believe and practice as you please, so long as you demonstrate your willingness to tolerate the gods worshipped by your neighbors. You will demonstrate this by burning incense to the genius of the emperor.’ Or in our case, we have to demonstrate our tamed status by agreeing that pluralism is a wonderful thing — which many Christian leaders continue to do. But such idolatrous compromise is precisely what the early Christians refused to do, and this is precisely why they were persecuted” (The Case for Classical Christian Eductation, p. 36).

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