The Apostolic Kick

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“I was a pastor for about eleven years before I cam to understand the thoroughness of God’s grace in salvation. Up to that time, my teaching on the subject was a typical hodgepodge of confusion and evasion. As I look back at that time, I now find it interesting, if not somewhat curious, that no one ever objected to my teaching as did the objector in Romans 9. No one ever said, ‘Douglas, if what you’re saying is true, then doesn’t that make us puppets? And if we are puppets, then how can God blame us for what we do?’ But since I have come to these truths — meaning that I am now willing to make the same sort of blunt assertions that Paul makes — I have heard this objection countless times. It is almost as though the objectors (who are all Christians) are unaware that this objection is in Scripture, that Paul places it in the mouth of one who resists the truth, and that he kicks the legs out from under it” (Back to Basics, p. 39).

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