Stones in the Wilderness

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When the Lord was tempted in the wilderness, one of the points of temptation was bread. The tempter said that if He was who He claimed to be, He ought to prove it by turning stones into bread (Matt. 4:3). Jesus responded by saying if He turned the stones into bread, that would not be enough because man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God (v. 4).

It is clear from this that the temptation would have resulted in an act of power that would have resulted in mere bread, only bread, bread unadorned by that which is our life—every word that comes from God.

We must be careful then to avoid coming to this Table with an expectation of receiving mere bread, bread by itself. That is not our life. Man does not live by bread alone, or by wine alone. This is nothing to us unless we are here in conformity to the word of Christ, which summons us, and authorizes us to partake. Apart from that, we might as well be giving one another stones in the wilderness.

But we are not gathered here with mere bread and mere wine. We have the Word, here. We have the Spirit of Christ. We have one another. Come and eat. Come and drink.

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