So You Want to Be a Filmmaker . . .

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As you know, the film Collision is coming out soon, and you know this because I keep telling you about it. But that is not what I am doing here — telling you about it I mean. Aside from that last link I mean.

The director of Collision is named Darren Doane, and he recently spoke at an American Vision conference on the subject of Christians in filmmaking. You can listen to the audio here. And if you are numbered among the many Christian young people who want to break into that world, this is a talk that you should listen to at least 30 times before sunrise, while driving on your way to complete that intriguing assignment he gives. For those who are really called to this vocation, the talk will be a profound encouragement. For the posers, not so much.

One other thing. Darren didn’t quote Chesterton, but he might as well have. “Anything worth doing is worth doing badly.” Those who just get in there to do it are doing well. But when teenagers (say) make a feature length movie (which they ought to try, as per Darren’s talk), they need to know what they are doing. They are making a terrible movie. That’s how you get good at things — by being bad at them, doggedly and with humility.

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