Providence and Covenant

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We live in community, which means in part that we feed one another. We live in community under God, which means that we are dependent upon God—He feeds us. If He did not give the rain, if He did not make the crops grow, we would all of us starve. We want a strong doctrine of providence so that we recognize that we are not here by ourselves, cast adrift by impersonal forces in an impersonal universe. When our society gives way to fear, as they have for example with their global warming hysterics, this is because they do not know that God is in His heaven, and that the world is in the palm of His hand.

But we also want a strong doctrine of covenant, because the God who provides for us, and who will keep the planet running, has determined that we need to be fed through cooperation with one another. If we do not form covenants, or if we break or subvert them through a lack of love, the end result of this will be that some people are not fed.

This is not just true in the physical realm; it is also true with the covenant meal that God sets before us here. As we feed ourselves while loving those around us, we are also feeding them. If we don’t, we aren’t, and we are trying to subvert a meal that cannot be subverted. So, take, eat, love. Take, drink, love.

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