No, You Can’t Be Just Friends

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“A man should resolve before God that he will have no one-on-one friendships (or close working relationships) with women unless they are with his mother, grandmother, sister, or wife. Now, what is meant by ‘friends’? We have been taught ad nauseam by means of feminist propaganda that men and women are simply interchangeable units, and that we should work very hard to act as though this is so. The grand idea dictates that a man should be able to work with a woman and treat her like any of the other ‘guys’ at work. If he and another guy could go out for lunch, why not have the same standard for a female co-worker? The answer, and I hate to belabor the obvious, is that under the clothes, their bodies are different, and hers looks like it would be a lot more fun than some male co-worker’s body. In other words, one situation is sexually charged and the other one isn’t” (Fidelity, p. 62).

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