No Luminous Glow

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“God is our life. In Him we live and move and have our being. If He had not created the world, we would not be here (and hence could not do our math). If He had not created the world, there would be no oranges, and hence we could not discover that two oranges plus two oranges make four of them. The fact that the Scriptures are at the center of all Christian education does not mean that the students and teacher walk around the classroom two inches above the floor with a strange luminosity surrounding their heads. It means that the students are learning how to present their bodies, brains and all, math puzzles in them and everything, as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God. Such an approach to education is surprisingly earthy, and yet the earthiness is not pointless, as it is in a secularist context” (The Case for Classical Christian Education, p. 69).

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