No Little People

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As they walked along the road, one of the two disciples, named Cleopas, asked the Lord if He was a stranger. Do you not know what has gone on these past few days? What an ironic question – do you not know? The other disciple is unnamed, but was probably the wife of Cleopas, who was named Mary. We know very little about both of them, and yet we do know that they were privileged to live through one of the most winsome resurrection accounts.

So let us take this lesson from it. At the table of the Lord, there are no little people. Male, female, husband, wife, adult, child, slave, free, black, white, Jew, Greek – no one has to eat off in the kitchen with the servants. If you are lawfully seated at this table, then it is for one reason only – you are called a friend of God. He does not know you simply in the aggregate. He does not invite you to sit and eat because you were standing with a certain clump of people.

Covenantally, we do constitute the Bride of Christ and that corporate, covenant reality is important. But it does not change the fact that this Bride is made up of her members, great and small. Every faithful saint has a white stone, with his name inscribed on it, and that stone marks your place here. Are you baptized? Do you believe in the Lord Jesus? You are most welcome.

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