No Condemnation Where There Ought to Be Some

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A friend shared this link with me, one that illustrates nicely a point I have made before about the importance of “justification” in cultural and social polemics. First, check out this link that compares the Tea Party protests and the Occupy protests.

Having perused that, here is the point about justification again. Justification means, as Paul says in Romans, “no condemnation.” For those who are justified by God, there is no condemnation (Rom. 8:1), and this is just because of the vicarious death of Jesus. Apart from such a death, the justification of sinners would be sinful.

But because all reality reflects God’s reality, this pattern will be followed out and continued, rightly or wrongly, in all social relations. Ungodly men justify the guilty, but when they justify, they are still applying what justification is — it is “no condemnation” even when (as here) there ought to be condemnation.

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