Name Tags and the Lord’s Supper

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This is the Table of the Lord, just as the Bible is the Word of the Lord. Both the Table and the Word contain great and precious promises. But here is the question, one that has troubled many (in one sense) and not troubled near enough (in another). Are these promises for you? Is your name on them? As you walk up to this Table, can you make a name tag in the divine handwriting? When you read a promise in Scripture, such as “I will never leave you or forsake you,” does that promise have your name attached to it?

The answer is no in one sense, and emphatically yes in another. No, you cannot read a name tag here with your physical eyes, and not matter how many times you type your name into your Bible search program, you will not come up with any results. So, there it is—no. But this just means you cannot read your name with your physical eyes. You are invited to read your name, however.

This is what faith does. God’s promise as externally stated is general, and faith makes it particular. Now faith doesn’t create that particular reality, but rather reveals what God’s secret decrees were all along. Before the foundation of the world, God determined by name who would respond to Him in faith, and here you are. God issues a general invitation to all, along with the authorization to act upon that invitation. It is therefore not presumption to come, act like you read your name on a name tag, and sit down. It is actually presumption not to. So come, and welcome, to Jesus Christ.



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