Music Heard Down the Driveway

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“When Saul was in a blue funk, David’s music would soothe him (1 Sam. 16:14-17). When the musicians of the Temple came to prophesy, they did it with musical instruments (1 Chr. 25:1). When certain children wanted a jig, they played a pipe (Matt. 11:17). When the prodigal son returned home, the residents of that household broke out the instruments that were conducive to a good bit of dancing (Lk. 15:25), dancing and music, incidentally, that could be heard down the driveway. Music must suit the occasion, and because the tone and mood of occasions vary considerably, the kind of music we play must vary considerably. And as we study the subject of music we see that God has given us an impressive range of musical options to accompany us throughout our lives. The problem with contemporary worship music is not the kind of music it is, but rhat the kind of occasion everyone seems to think the service is” (Mother Kirk, p. 130).

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