More Than Last Time

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The apostle Paul tells us that this bread represents the unity of the body of Christ (1 Cor. 10:16-17). How so? Remember that the Lord’s way of unity is one, one divided, and two restored into one. That is what He did in the Garden. Adam was one, then he was divided into two, so that they could then be restored to one. That restoration to one caused a child to be conceived, and again one became two—only this time it was the woman who was divided. And since that time, two have become one, so that one could become two again, and the earth fills with the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve.

The wheat field is filled with countless grains of wheat. They are brought together, ground into flour, and then baked into one loaf. But that one loaf is not a static picture of the body of Christ. The loaf is broken into many pieces, and distributed to all of you. As you partake in love for Christ and one another, the many pieces are used to knit you all together into one body characterized by love and harmony. And then you, the one loaf, at the benediction are taken in hand, divided into many pieces again, and sent out those doors so that you might become life to the world.

As you depart from here, in order to be consumed for others, those others are delivered from their fragmented and lonely lives, and through the gospel are brought to genuine faith in Christ.

One, many, and then one again. Many become one, so that one may become many. And as God does this, at the end of each round, we discover that the many this time are many more than the many last time. This is how the world fills up; this is how the world is blessed. This is God’s way, and you, as His people are called to follow His way. So come, partake together so that we might have something to distribute to the world. Come and welcome.

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