Eating is not a result of the Fall. When God created Adam and Eve, and placed them in the garden, He put them in a garden full of food. Food is not an unfortunate development. When Adam was cursed for his disobedience, the result was a curse upon the ground, a curse that meant that food was going to become harder to get. Thorns and thistles were to obstruct the growing of food. The Fall meant less food, not more food. The Fall meant a barrier to food, not the creation of food. In other words, plainly stated, sin did not bring about the creation of food.
In the new creation, we find that it is the same. Man is both created, and recreated, as an eating creature. God intends for us to take food into our mouths, and by this means, to restructure the world around us. Physical food is a great mystery, and spiritual food even more so. How can we restructure the world around us, evangelize our community, exercise dominion in the earth, throw down the idols, just by eating? Well, the answer is that we cannot do it just by eating—this is gospel food, and gospel food is always a curse unless it is received with living, active, evangelical faith. We come to this table in faith. We sit down in faith.
We rule on the earth, as kings and priests, as we do this. If we run away from this table in order to rule another way, we will only be humiliated. And if we get up from this table in order to hide, afraid the of the responsibility that comes with this, then we receive God’s discipline also. But come, He offers us more food.