Life From Bodies as Good as Dead

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One of the things that a supper does is that it enables a family to gather around, and to do so as a family. One of the things that a family does in such situations is tell the story of the family. A people are shaped by the narrative that the people tell. Part of this narrative should include how the narrative trails off. Part of the story of God’s covenant people concerns how God’s covenant people wander off the path. We don’t tell you this story because you are not God’s people, but rather because you are.

As one theologian has noted, the first generation is characterized by a true and living zeal. The second generation seeks to consolidate the gains of the first, but does so by means of legalistic and oppressive rules. The third generation goes liberal, out of a reaction to the stupidity of a blind conservatism. The fourth generation goes apostate, and it is time for a revival. God specializes in bringing great spiritual vigor out of bodies that are as good as dead.


How do we maintain faithfulness across generations? The first thing to note is that it is accomplished by faith. There is nothing automatic about it. In other words, you are not to bring your children to this Table because they are here. You are to bring them because you believe the promises of God. You are not to bring them because you understand what is acceptable at Christ Church. You bring them because you are acting on the basis of the covenant. So come, and welcome.

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