It Just Keeps Getting Better . . .

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The Republicans of Connecticut have picked Linda McMahon to run for the U.S. Senate. She made her millions in the very odd world of professional wrestling, and I have already seen more than one airing of a video clip in which she is holding a microphone and kicking someone in the crotch, professional wrestling style. This is really something . . . okay, I could go with a House seat from west Texas, but Connecticut? Ah, how the bluebloods have fallen. But, to put it in the funner and funner category, she is up against Attorney General Richard Blumenthal or, as they would put it on the professional wrestling marquee, “Steel Awl BlumenTHAL.” Despite an aristocratic mien, and a steely gaze, Blumenthal recently made news when it came out that his oft-mentioned times in Vietnam were actually nothing of the kind  And so it occurs to me that if the Blumenthal campaign tries to run the crotch kick video in the campaign, McMahon can simply counter with the observation that this only shows she clearly has more combat experience than he ever did.

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