Imagination Succeeds When It Staggers

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“When a biblical vision of the living God is given to us, human imagination staggers, and human reason lies prostrate on the floor. Isaiah is undone, a man of unclean lips, and Moses is hidden in the cleft of the rock so that he will not be dissolved. In the revelation of Himself to us, God describes Himself in countless creaturely ways so that we never make the mistake of confusing Him with a creature. He is above, beneath, behind, and before, so that we might know that He is all of these and yet, strictly speaking, none of them. he is a warrior, shepherd, king, builder, and husband, and in these images the sanctified imagination is invited to gather them all together, and then to transcend them all, in order to worship and adore” (“The Loveliness of Orthodoxy” in Bound Only Once, p. 24).

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