Honest Sentences

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Confession of sin is acknowledgement of sin, and acknowledgement of sin is humbling. That is why we tend to avoid it. The problem is not the fact, the problem is the pride.

In 1 John 1:9, the word for confess is homologeo. This word is a compound one, made up of the word for same and the word meaning speak. To confess is to “speak the same thing.” So use the biblical vocabulary when confessing, and not a vocabulary designed for shifting responsibility. It is theft, not an unauthorized requisition. It is adultery, not an inappropriate relationship. It is gossip, not sharing.

An honest answer, Proverbs tells us, is like a kiss on the lips. An honest confession is the same kind of thing. Though the contents of an honest confession are tawdry, the manner of such a confession is not tawdry. Dishonest deeds can only be carried before the Father with honest sentences. Dishonest sentences in confession can do nothing but bear forgiveness away.

When we acknowledge our sin, our hearts, our motives, God—for the sake of Jesus Christ alone—acknowledges us. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. He is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We do not bring our honesty to Him, so that He might commend us. We bring our dishonesty to Him, honestly, so that He might forgive us. Because we have an advocate with Him, Jesus Christ the Righteous, He does forgive us.



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