His Flesh Is The Veil

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I said last week that in the Lord’s Supper we partake of a living Christ, not a dead Christ. Scripture teaches this in the tenth chapter of Hebrews, a chapter rich in sacramental doctrine.

We are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ (v. 10), which was offered once for all by our High Priest, who then sat down at the right hand of God the Father (v. 12). Note that the body of Christ was offered by the High Priest Christ, who then sat down in power, having been empowered to make His enemies a footstool (v. 13). By one offering, He has perfected us forever.

Our sins are therefore forgiven (v. 17), and this means that we have boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus (v. 19). How are we to do this? Our modern and materialistic assumption is that we enter the Holy Place by rolling these sentences around in our heads. But that is not how we are told to enter.

We draw near in faith (v. 22), with hearts sprinkled to a clean conscience (v. 22), with bodies washed with the pure water of baptism (v. 22). We do this as a congregation, holding fast together, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together as some do (v. 25).

In this context, how do we approach? How do we draw near? We come by means of a new and living way (v. 20). Note that it is a living way. We come through the veil, it says, and then immediately adds that this veil is His flesh (v. 20).

When Jesus died, the veil to the Holy of Holies was torn in two, showing that sinners now had access to God. When Jesus ascended into heaven, this did not cease to be true—it became more gloriously true. So this observance is how we enter into the Holiest, and moreover, with boldness. We come because the blood was shed once for all two thousand years ago, and we are a forgiven people. We come because the flesh that is torn in two is alive and gives life. This is in fact, a new and living way.

When God gives faith by means of the Holy Spirit, He gives it so that you might be built up and strengthened in this new and living way. As a living way, it is for those who are alive.

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