Hastening the Day

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We noted at the beginning of the service that by receiving the bread rightly, you are loving your people. You are making a solemn pledge to love each other. You are renewing a most gracious oath, an oath that binds you together with everyone here, not to mention God’s people all over the world. You are being knit together.

But the Spirit wants this knitting project to cooperate with what is being done. We are not simply passive; we are not inert. No, the Spirit calls us to active cooperation with His purposes and plans — for your marriage, for your family, for your parish, four is congregation, for this town, for this state, for the nation, and of course for e world. Lift up your heads! Enlarge your hearts! Something great is coming down.

Do you want to hasten that time? You certainly should. Do you want that time of glory to come soon? Why wouldn’t you? What can you do that will hasten that day? Well, there is some bread here to eat. There is some wine here for you to drink. There is a neighbor here to love.

Come, and welcome to Jesus Christ.

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