As we have told you many times, the designated time for confession of sin is not here at this Table. If you are walking with the Lord, you will confess sin whenever you commit it, and you will put it right with anyone you need to put it right with immediately. As we all need reminders to do this diligently, we have a time set aside for weekly confession at the beginning of the service. This Table, at the conclusion of the service, was not designed to serve as a time of morbid introspection.
But what of those who do not confess their sins appropriately? Week after week, they come to this Table without having prepared themselves to do so. What is happening to them in that case? Though the Table wasn’t designed to foster introspection, it does have a design feature that deals with those who refuse to examine themselves appropriately.
Moses warns the people of Israel that God will see to it that their sin will find them out (Num. 32:23). The Bible teaches that this Table is a time of nourishment for the faithful. But for those who are not dealing with secret and hidden sin appropriately, this Table is a time of manifestation. This is why many Corinthians had taken sick, and had died. This Table brings things to light. Heaven and earth meet in this meal, just as they do in the great day of judgment, and this means that God is in the process of bringing all things to light. He does this inexorably, and in accordance with His covenant word.
This means that every time we partake of the bread and wine, for those with a double life it is a time of unfolding secrets. That money taken from your employer and never put right, a pattern of hidden homosexual sin, or secret infidelity of other forms . . . all are being brought to light. Regardless of what we think we are doing, every participation in communion is an objective request from us, asking God to bring the hidden things to light. And this is a prayer that God consistently answers, whether we know we are praying it or not, and whether or not we would like it if we found out that this is what He is doing. But this need not be grim news. It is in fact gospel. When God brings sin to light, there is an opportunity for free and full forgiveness.