Following Him Together

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We have been considering the presence of our children together here with us at this Table. We have noted that nothing is required of them except the capacity to receive, the capacity to be shaped and taught. We have seen from Scripture that all who are bread get bread. All who are the covenant get the covenant cup.

This is because we are committed to the great confession of Joshua—as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

In one of the great ironies of modernity, the world of unbelief has embraced the chastisement found in Scripture, and they are diligent to see to it that their principles of idolatry and unbelief are visited upon their descendants to three and four generations. They have no qualms about passing on unbelief as their heritage.

We have promises of covenant kindness, to a thousand generations. But in these modern times, the people of God, who have been given promises to a thousand generations, quail and quake in the presence of this kind of overwhelming graciousness. We do not believe what God has promised us. He has said that He will be our God, and the God of our children, and of their children’s children. He has promised a shepherd David to lead us, throughout all generations, forever. The child in Mary’s womb did not come in order to abrogate all God’s generational blessings. He came to fulfill them.

We are Christians, and a burden therefore rests upon us to believe Jesus Christ, and to follow Him. And when you take up your cross to follow Him, you are not permitted to look around at your family and bid them farewell. We are disciples of Jesus Christ, household by household, family by family.

For little feet, the pilgrimage is hard, you might say. But the way of the wicked is harder. Come, we are invited to commune with Jesus Christ, and to walk with Him, together.

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