Finding Your Pitch

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This last week, we had the privilege of meeting together with the other delegates of Knox Presbytery, the inland northwest presbytery of the CREC. One of the things that we discussed, as we worked through the problems that are confronting our congregations, is the challenge of psalm-singing fatigue. As we have set ourselves the challenge of learning to love the psalmody of the historic church, we have discovered that it is, like many valuable things, hard work.

For some it is hard because it is too much too fast. This stuff is way over their heads. For others it is hard because they are having to go so slow. They are eager for more, and frustrated by the pace. Others object to psalm selections, while others are just conservative and don’t like changing things, period. In spite of all this, we have been greatly blessed as a congregation—we are blessed in the songs we are now able to sing, and we are almost equally as blessed by the songs we used to sing.

At the same time, we don’t just want to hunker down and press on through—although there is a time and place for that strategy. We want to mix it up a bit, and experiment with ways of pushing ourselves in enjoyable ways.

This is what lies behind the changes in tonight’s psalm sing. We trust it will be glorious, and God-honoring. As you come, remember that singing in harmony is an adornment for those who live in harmony. You are doing well; let us labor by God’s grace to do even better, not growing weary in the good works He has given us to do. Tonight, those good works will include finding a parking spot, finding a seat, finding your neighbor, and finding your pitch.

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