Everyone Loves a Parade

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We know that formal liturgy is required by God, and that Paul told the Colossians that he rejoiced to hear of their good order. We also know that He has fashioned the creation in such a way that liturgy of some sort is inescapable. Every congregation of Christians in the history of the world has developed a liturgy, whatever they call it.

But a peculiar temptation confronts those who formalize that liturgy, and who are conscious of what they are doing. The apostle Paul speaks of those who have the form of religion without the substance. The prophets of the Old Testament are fierce in their denunciations of those who like to prance through the ceremonies and sacrifices that God commanded. God responds to them with a humiliating rebuke—”who required of you this trampling of my courts?” He goes on to say that He cannot endure iniquity and solemn assembly together.

And yet, there is a particular kind of fleshly, religious mind which likes to hide its sin inside the liturgy. This is a far cry from placing your sins under the blood of Christ. The more forms there are to memorize, the less someone has to actually think about how they are living. Incense is attractive because it covers up the stench of self-will. Parades are popular because everyone loves a parade.

But we are here to meet with God. We are here to be knit together into a new humanity, into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not here to hide from Him. So come in true liturgical humility and true evangelical faith.

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