Everlasting Kindness

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God does not reveal sin to us so that we might be simply humiliated. Rather, God reveals sin to His people so that they might be humbled, and in that humbling, receive His grace that strengthens, and enables them to stand. The humbling of conviction is a small crucifixion, and the grace of forgiveness is a small resurrection. In this pattern, we embody the gospel throughout our lives.

We have said before that this Table is a revealer of sin—we expected weekly communion to bring many things to the surface, which it has in fact done. But never forget that this Table is efficacious in dealing with such sin as well. God does not reveal our sins to us so that in His holiness He might mock us. He is holy, but He is also kind to His people. This Table was set and prepared with an everlasting kindness.

We sometimes shrink from the revelation that conviction of sin brings because we, like the disciples in the gospels, are of little faith. We cannot see past the crucifixion to the resurrection. In eating and drinking, you are participating in the communion of Christ’s body and blood, and this means that you are communing in His death. But the Bible teaches that as many of us as are united with Him in His death are also united with Him in His resurrection.

It is a terrible burden to come to this Table while trying to keep the crucifying power of this sacrament away from your pet sins—a sharp tongue, a critical spirit, a self-excusing logic-chopping, or anger with others. But you are Christians, and so still you must come. And this means you must come and die. But believe the gospel, which is utterly meaningless apart from resurrection. You also come in order to be raised again, and you leave this place in order to walk in newness of life—hands, tongue, feet, all of you. This Table is here and is set just for you.

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